Fri 01st FEBRUARY 2019
Club Stalk Day - Special Event - 'Mid Winter Stalk''
£295 All Cull animals FREE
During the dead of winter the Capreolus Club offers a unique opportunity to get involved with a special double-time slot event at our exclusive grounds in Hampshire.
This event will be held in two time slots. The first team of 6 rifles will arrive just before first light, from where rifles will be ferried to key areas around the ground, where everything save Roebuck is in season.
After 3 hours hunting the first team will reconvene at the Queens College Arms for Bacon Sandwiches and Tea/Coffee.
At 1pm the second team of 6 rifles arrives for an early lunch at the Queens College Arms, after which they are also taken to key areas around the ground for an evening hunt. Departure around 5pm.
The event is available to 12 rifles made up of two teams of 6 rifles. Team one will enjoy a stalk followed by a late breakfast and team two an early lunch followed by a stalk. If you can spare a whole day and are super keen, why not register for both slots for a 10% discount.
Cost £295 Morning or Eveing stalk session or £530 for the whole day. All animal shot are included in the cost.