Fri 07th - Sat 08th FEBRUARY 2020
Overnight Trip for New Forest Fallow Deer for up to 6 rifles.
Join us on productive new pastures, for a superb, overnight trip to shoot Fallow deer in a highly Fallow dense area, adjacent to the New Forest. There are no limits on the number of deer that you can shoot and all cull animals (Fallow Doe & Pricket*) are just £75-00 per animal. Dinner, Bed & Breakfast is included.
Members are invited to take position in a number of strategically placed high seats for an evening hunt for Fallow deer, before retiring to the elegant, Georgian, White Hart Hotel in Salisbury for an all-inclusive evening meal and wine. After a good night’s sleep in one of the hotels comfortable rooms, guests are out early for a further morning stalk followed by a first-class breakfast upon return to the hotel and departure.
These type of short trips are extremely popular, with two hunts, delicious food & wine, and a good night’s sleep, during the open season for Fallow Buck and Doe.
The location is just one and a half hours from London and requires less than 24 hrs out of busy schedules.
There is availability for up to 6 Rifles. We recommend that you reserve your place as soon as possible.