The Capreolus Club is a unique members club
committed to the environment via a
climate-focused diet 
and to the
betterment of species through the careful
selection of sustainable, wild, free-ranging animals



Supported by



Proudly supporting

Country Food Trust


Throughout the year we have a program of special members-only events and excursions. Click on any of the events below to find out more and to book your place.
Please note all prices are shown exclusive of VAT - VAT at the current rate of 20% will be added at checkout.

Tuesday 1 NOVEMBER 2022

Club Stalk Day: Special Event - 1st Day of the Open Season

Price / kg:
Fully Booked

For those members who do not possess their own rifle, please contact the office to confirm the availability of an 'estate rifle' prior to making your booking.


Everyone wants to be out for the 1st of November, it is the most significant date in the deer stalkers calendar. This is because its 'open season' for all females and all males, except for Roebuck, meaning success rates are typically at their highest!

This year the first day of the season falls on a Tuesday, so why not start sneak away from your desk for a few hours and celebrate this high-point in the calendar, during which the Club will be hosting a special event at our exclusive grounds in Hampshire?

The event is available for up to 5 rifles who are requested to arrive at 1pm for lunch at the charming Queen's College Arms, prior to being positioned at a number of well placed high-seats where all animals save for Roebuck are in season.

Includes lunch and all or any animals except for Roebuck.